Lucía Vaquero – Thesis defense
Lucía finished Physiotherapy in 2008, and she has been investigating brain plasticity mechanisms and brain-anatomical predicting factors in relation to auditory-motor training and abilities in healthy subjects at the Cognition and Brain Plasticity...
Beyond Language Learning Workshop. Septemper 2016 – 29th-30th
A more complete understanding of language learning abilities requires not only studying the specific mechanisms involved in this complex task, but also taking into account a number of other cognitive capacities that may have a critical role in how...
Presentació d’un estudi becat per La Marató 2010
El 17è Simpòsium de la Fundació La Marató de TV3 ha fet públics els resultats de la recerca sobre lesions medul·lars i cerebrals adquirides impulsada amb els fons de La Fundació La Marató 2010. Entre els 30 projectes finançats per La...
Post-doc Position in the Cognition and Brain Plasticity Unit
A two-year post-doctoral position is opened at the Cognition and Brain Plasticity Unit (www.brainvitge.org) of the University of Barcelona associated to the ERC Starting Grant leaded by Ruth de Diego-Balaguer. The project studies how attention...
Joanna Sierpowska: winner of the II Comas i Solà contest
PhD candidate Joanna Sieprowska, from the Brain Plasticity research line of our group, has won the II Comas i Solà Contest. This short-film competition organized by the University of Barcelona aims to popularize the scientific research carried out...
Semana Mundial del Cerebro 2016
Con motivo de la Semana Mundial del Cerebro (Brain Awareness Week, del 14 al 20 de marzo de 2016), la iniciativa Escolab (organizada anualmente por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona en colaboración con las universidades y centros de investigación de la...
La Unitat de Cognició i Plasticitat Cerebral al Saló de l’Ensenyament de Barcelona
Amb motiu d’aquesta fira d’orientació educativa i professional i com a part de l’IDIBELL, el nostre grup ha participat a l’Espai Ciència del Saló de l’Ensenyament de Barcelona 2016. Els investigadors Anna Martínez, Berta Nicolás i...
Brain plasticity in expert pianists depends on age of musical training onset
From the second half of the 20th century onwards, several teams of neuroscientists around the world have tried to understand the ability that our brain exhibits to adapt to new experiences and the environment (neuroplasticity). In the last decade,...
El cerebro de los consumidores de cocaína no detecta correctamente las consecuencias adversas del propio comportamiento
El consumo repetido de sustancias que producen placer y euforia puede conducir al desarrollo de una adicción. Este trastorno de naturaleza crónica y recurrente se caracteriza por la pérdida de control sobre el uso de la sustancia. Todo ello a...
Ruth de Diego-Balaguer interviewed
After her invited talk at the Basc Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL) in San Sebastian on the 10th of December, Ruth de Diego-Balaguer has been interviewed for the Newspaper "Berria". The interview by Juanma Gallego covers aspects of her...