Degree in Psychology
Master’s degree in Neuropsychology
Master’s degree in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive Training
Research interest
Acquired brain injury, Stroke, Executive Functions and Semantic cognition
Last publications
Voits, T., Rothman, J., Calabria, M., Robson, H., Aguirre, N., Cattaneo, G., Costumero, V., Hernández, M., Juncadella, M., Marin-Marin, L., Suades, A., Costa, A., Pliatsikas, C. (2023). Hippocampal adaptations in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients are modulated by bilingual language experiences. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Calabria, M., Hernández, M., Cattaneo, G., Suades, A., Serra, M., Juncadella, M., Reñé, R., Sala, I., Lleó, A., Ortiz-Gil, J., Ugas, L., Ávila, A., Gómez Ruiz, I., Ávila, C., Costa, A. (2020). Active bilingualism delays the onset of mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia. 146: 107528