MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology Degree
Research interests
My current research is focused on how our memory systems allow us to generate predictions about upcoming events, and which are the specific neural mechanisms of prediction involved in guiding perceptual and decision making processes.
Last publications
García-Arch, J., Sabio-Albert, M., Fuentemilla, Ll. (2023). Selective Integration of Social Feedback Promotes a Stable and Positively Biased Self-Concept. Psyarxiv
Silva, M., Wu, X., Sabio-Albert, M., Conde-Blanco, E., Roldan, P., Donaire, A., Carreño, M., Axmacher, N., Baldassano, C., Fuentemilla, Ll. (2023). Neocortico-hippocampal ripple-based coordination during naturalistic encoding. BioRxiv