Biophysics and Biomedical Engineer
Research Interests
The aim of my PhD project is to break new ground as to how memories from one’s past are represented in the brain by tracking, prospectively, essential properties of everyone’s real-life episodic event experience
Last publications
Silva, M., Wu, X., Sabio-Albert, M., Conde-Blanco, E., Roldan, P., Donaire, A., Carreño, M., Axmacher, N., Baldassano, C., Fuentemilla, Ll. (2023). Neocortico-hippocampal ripple-based coordination during naturalistic encoding. BioRxiv
Fuentemilla, Ll., Nicolás, B., Kastrinogiannis, A., Silva, M. (2020). Evidence of shifts towards neural states of stability during the retrieval of real-life episodic memories. Biorxiv