M.A. in Cognitive Science and Language; M.Sc. in Neuroscience, expected (July, 2018)
Research Interests
I’m currently a Master student in Neuroscience in University of Barcelona. My project of investigation follows the research line of Dynamics of Memory formation group. I’m mainly interested in the cognitive mechanisms that underlie memory encoding, consolidation and retrieval.
Last publications
García-Arch, J., Friedrichm, S., Wu, X., Cucurell, D., Fuentemilla, Ll. (2024). Beyond the Positivity Bias: The Processing and Integration of Self-relevant Feedback is Driven by its Alignment with Pre-Existing Self-Views. PsyArXiv
Silva, M., Wu, X., Sabio-Albert, M., Conde-Blanco, E., Roldan, P., Donaire, A., Carreño, M., Axmacher, N., Baldassano, C., Fuentemilla, Ll. (2023). Neocortico-hippocampal ripple-based coordination during naturalistic encoding. BioRxiv